Alexsuraci's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,18724,362cfoundryHigh-level library for working with the Cloud Foundry API.
26,60243,406interactA simple API for command-line interaction. Provides a novel 'rewinding' feature, allowi...
36,71535,214cfFriendly command-line interface for Cloud Foundry.
46,75343,406vmcFriendly command-line interface for Cloud Foundry.
57,32966,923mothershipCommand-line library for big honkin' CLI apps.
68,75966,923caldecott-clientCaldecott Client HTTP/Websocket Tunneling Library
711,59066,923manifests-vmc-pluginCloud Foundry automation via manifest documents.
817,26166,923tunnel-cf-pluginExternal access to your services on Cloud Foundry via a Caldecott HTTP tunnel.
917,75866,923anatomyA document authoring system inspired by Scribble.
1018,16366,923manifests-cf-pluginCloud Foundry automation via manifest documents.
1119,22366,923tunnel-vmc-pluginExternal access to your services on Cloud Foundry via a Caldecott HTTP tunnel.
1229,40566,923admin-cf-pluginCloud Foundry administration commands.
1329,47966,923atomyA dynamic language targeting the Rubinius VM, focusing on extensibility and express...
1438,35366,923admin-vmc-pluginCloud Foundry administration commands.
1539,01066,923tunnel-dummy-vmc-pluginProvides a fake tunnel command that tells you to install the real plugin.
1642,56666,923vcap-concurrencyProvides utility classes to support common patterns in concurrent programming.
1742,72166,923tools-cf-pluginCloud Foundry tooling commands.
1847,02666,923console-vmc-pluginPort of rails-console to vmc-ng.
1948,57266,923broomhldaA DSL for authoring lexers, largely based on Pygments (with many of its lexers auto...
2060,91666,923micro-cf-pluginProvides a fake tunnel command that tells you to install the real plugin.
2167,26466,923console-cf-pluginPort of rails-console to cf-ng.
22138,09966,923mcf-vmc-pluginProvides a fake tunnel command that tells you to install the real plugin.