Cookpad's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1925642omniauth-rails_csrf_protectionThis gem provides a mitigation against CVE-2015-9284 (Cross-Site Request Forgery on the...
28,3307,585expeditorExpeditor provides asynchronous execution and fault tolerance for microservices
39,61014,136aws-xrayThe unofficial X-Ray Tracing SDK for Ruby.
49,73911,752garage_clientRuby client library for the Garage API
510,09118,351chankoChanko is a Rails extension tool
611,14211,600triceProvides reference time concept to application. Use it instead of ad-hoc ``
712,7418,155armgAdd MySQL geometry type to Active Record.
813,07513,399the_garageGarage extends your RESTful, Hypermedia APIs as a Platform
914,37535,920raven-transports-fluentdSend error logs to sentry via fluentd.
1014,4247,624grpc_kitA kit for creating gRPC server/client
1115,42253,556barbequeJob queue system to run job with Docker
1215,78210,392blousonFilter tools to mask sensitive data in various logs
1316,11923,626denvLoads environment variables to `ENV` from `.env` file. No special treatments about shel...
1419,37653,556rrrspec-clientExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
1520,13014,136barbeque_clientBarbeque client for Ruby
1620,16222,512queuery_clientClient library for Queuery Redshift HTTP API
1720,93715,804griffingRPC server and client for Ruby
1822,03412,916kumonosA "control plane" for Microservices "service mesh".
1925,59421,532guard_against_physical_deleteA monkey patch for ActiveRecord to prevent physical deletion.
2029,14415,804kuroko2Kuroko2 is a web-based job scheduler/workflow manager created at Cookpad Inc.
2129,77353,556debug_exceptions_jsonA Rack application for debugging in API server on Rails. Debug exception with json.
2229,79916,068griffin-interceptorsA collection of interceptors for griffin
2330,38235,920tableau_server_clientREST API Client for Tableau Server.
2432,60328,793rrrspec-serverExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
2532,79135,920rrrspec-webExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
2634,23628,793pact_junit_formatterDump pact verification result with JUnit format.
2736,47742,025rrrspecExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
2840,33286,038mixed_gaugeA simple and robust ActiveRecord extension for database sharding. Supports shards manag...
2949,34953,556tokiteCustomizable Slack notification from GitHub
3062,24442,025garage-doorkeeperGarage extension to integrate doorkeeper gem.
3169,39886,038gem_collectorCollect gems used by applications