1 | 6,610 | 28,793 | riemann-babbler | Monitoring tool for riemann |
2 | 12,488 | 10,831 | kurchatov | Gem for monitoring with riemann. |
3 | 21,774 | 42,025 | chef-undev | Chef client patches for undev |
4 | 25,317 | 17,444 | knife-setup | Allows you to bootsrap machine and set role and env. |
5 | 27,420 | 53,556 | collect-agent | Chef collect agent |
6 | 27,473 | 17,852 | knife-undev | Knife undev |
7 | 54,055 | 42,025 | knife-check | Allows you to syntax check roles, env, cookbooks - all in one. |
8 | 56,688 | 42,025 | chef-silent | Silent formatters for chef-client |
9 | 69,705 | 31,663 | malevich | Monitoring tool |
10 | 80,701 | 86,038 | openshift-origin-controller | This |
11 | 82,644 | 86,038 | openshift-origin-console | The OpenShift Origin console is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface f... |
12 | 83,028 | 86,038 | openshift-origin-node | This |
13 | 83,081 | 86,038 | openshift-origin-msg-broker-mcollective | OpenShift |
14 | 83,115 | 86,038 | openshift-origin-auth-remote-user | Provides |
15 | 98,260 | 86,038 | openshift-origin-common | This |
16 | 102,225 | 86,038 | openshift-origin-dns-bind | Provides |
17 | 102,390 | 86,038 | openshift-origin-auth-mongo | Provides |
18 | 102,844 | 42,025 | iwatcher | Execute command on inotify event. |
19 | 103,767 | 86,038 | openshift-origin-auth-kerberos | Provides |
20 | 133,265 | 86,038 | erchef-solr | Vendored Apache Solr for use with Chef Server |
21 | 133,437 | 86,038 | erchef-expander | A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen... |