Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
147121-147140 of all 180,416 gems.
147,1163,325spree_active_model_serializerSpree API with Active Model Serializer
147,1163,325irjudson-persevereThis gem provides a simple ruby wrapper around the persevere JSON document data store a...
147,1163,325meskyanichi-acts_as_listGem version of acts_as_list Rails plugin.
147,1163,325jcnetdev-acts_as_listAllows ActiveRecord Models to be easily ordered via position attributes
147,1163,325julik-rutilsSimple processing of russian strings
147,1163,325utopia-wikiA simple wiki for Utopia.
147,1163,325iownbey-gitA package for using Git in Ruby code.
147,1163,325jjulian-random_dataGenerate random test data including names, mailing addresses, dates, phone numbers, e-m...
147,1163,325methodmissing-rb_aioPOSIX Realtime IO extension for Ruby MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2)
147,1163,325mrunleaded-photo_albumA simple photo album plugin/generator.
147,1163,325intljs-railsThis gem provides Intl.js, Compatibility implementation of the ECMAScript International...
147,1163,325e1614hn_calcTo calculate the date of birth and BMI
147,1163,325mc_duckUploads command outputs to s3.
147,1163,325pretty_qrcodeGenerate pretty QR code
147,1163,325ynabyA Ruby library for editing YNAB transaction.
147,1163,325jperkins-deep_testDeepTest runs tests in multiple processes.
147,1163,325david_inhello world programe
147,1163,325pretty_numberencrypt and decrypt number
147,1163,325kevwil-hellotxtHelloTxt ( is a simple service that makes updating your social netw...
147,1163,325hexagonalA simple gem for building hexagonal Ruby applications