Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
147081-147100 of all 180,434 gems.
147,0663,330jcnetdev-comatoseComatose is a micro CMS designed for being embedded into existing Rails applications.
147,0663,330cenit_clientRuby client for pushing data to Cenit
147,0663,330omniauth-hanyangThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,0663,330faraday_csv_middlewareFaraday middleware that parses CSV from a temp file
147,0663,330spree_promo_flat_order_total_percentIt allows to provide free order means 100% discount on order total
147,0663,330hikkoshi-jekyllJekyll processor for Hikkoshi the Blog Moving Tool
147,0663,330quick-apiMake your API rest quick
147,0663,330imbriaco-naniteself assembling fabric of ruby daemons
147,0663,330laszpio-laszpio-googlechartsSexy Charts using Google API & Ruby
147,0663,330snipsA mini local snippet manager.
147,0663,330jmonteiro-jmonteiro-safariwatirWATIR stands for "Web Application Testing in Ruby". See WATIR project for more informa...
147,0663,330kieranj-nzbLibrary for parsing NZB files.
147,0663,330teamworkpmA Ruby wrapper to the Teamwork PM API
147,0943,329gemgrapherCreate gem dependency graph
147,0943,329seedfileCreate ActiveRecord objects using a CSV file
147,0943,329ec2-security-czarManages your EC2 security groups using YAML config files.
147,0943,329pretty_qrcodeGenerate pretty QR code
147,0943,329sinderella_cloneKata-like practice building a gem with Bundler, TDD, Travis CI & Coveralls.
147,0943,329iownbey-gitA package for using Git in Ruby code.
147,0943,329composite_cache_storeEnhanced application performance with faster reads, data redundancy, and reduced backpr...