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Most downloads over all time
147181-147200 of all 180,488 gems.
147,1563,334elevatorWrite a longer description. Optional.
147,1563,334mojsaks_studio_gameThis is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course,...
147,1563,334insta_swagInstaSwag provides lighting-fast, dynamically generated [swagger-documentation](https:/...
147,1563,334kevwil-hellotxtHelloTxt ( is a simple service that makes updating your social netw...
147,1563,334mperham-right_aws== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...
147,1563,334jslade-gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
147,1563,334mschuerig-enumerate_byAdds support for declaring an ActiveRecord class as an enumeration
147,1563,334outfitterConfigure and generate environment setup files
147,1563,334sluggable_mbzGenerates slugs from "sluggable_column" taking out any offensive characters. Really use...
147,1563,334latex-flowLatex-flow is a command-line tool to support LaTeX's workflow.
147,1913,333ppmtogdlPpmToGdl generates GDL PPM definitions from a PrimaryParameters.xml file.
147,1913,333kparsons_palindromelearn enough Ruby palindrome detector
147,1913,333tonic-wpTonic-WP provides a basic Sass featureset designed to be as minimal as possible. The ge...
147,1913,333voteable_drewA really cool voting gem.
147,1913,333aarinMake it easer to integrate with Aarin
147,1913,333distancesConvert between metric, imperial, and astronomical distances.
147,1913,333omniauth-edwith001OmniAuth strategy for Edwith Hanyang
147,1913,333ec2-security-czarManages your EC2 security groups using YAML config files.
147,1913,333jssorslider-railsThis gem provides the slider ready for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline. You can check out ...
147,1913,333with-versionSyntax sugar for version checks.