Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
147141-147160 of all 180,488 gems.
147,1213,335jjulian-random_dataGenerate random test data including names, mailing addresses, dates, phone numbers, e-m...
147,1213,335yaml-lint-ngCheck if your YAML files can be loaded.
147,1213,335skinny_scaffoldSkinny scaffolds for Rails 4
147,1213,335model-xBase class that includes many ActiveModel mixins as well as attribute behavior.
147,1213,335hikkoshi-jekyllJekyll processor for Hikkoshi the Blog Moving Tool
147,1213,335kubicek-aresSimple library for querying Ares system in Czech republic with translation of labels.
147,1213,335khaleesiKhaleesi is a blog-aware or documentation-aware static site generator write in Ruby, su...
147,1213,335kusor-sinatra_mailerSinatra::Mailer extension extracted from Merb::Mailer by Nicolás Sanguinetti.
147,1213,335testhelloA simple hello world localization
147,1213,335linkingpaths-acts_as_videoclubExternal Video management plugin.
147,1213,335innetra-acts_as_seekableSeekable (search) functionality for Rails applications
147,1213,335hola_ks_2015A simple hello world gem
147,1213,335jnunemaker-sirenJSON parser that understands cross-references and casts to typed Ruby objects. Implemen...
147,1213,335omniauth_alipaythis is a alipay oauth 2.0 gem based on omniauth
147,1213,335lattes_apiLattes API client for Ruby.
147,1563,334neural_networksNeuronal Networks algoritms
147,1563,334methodmissing-rb_aioPOSIX Realtime IO extension for Ruby MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2)
147,1563,334jcnetdev-acts_as_listAllows ActiveRecord Models to be easily ordered via position attributes
147,1563,334julik-rutilsSimple processing of russian strings
147,1563,334krasivotokak-simple-navigationSimple Navigation is a ruby library for creating a navigation (optionally with sub navi...