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147241-147260 of all 180,681 gems.
147,2183,347google-cloud-datastore-adminFirestore in Datastore mode is a NoSQL document database built for automatic scaling, h...
147,2183,347elasticsearch_distance_unit_validatorValidator for Elasticsearch distance units.
147,2183,347silent_progress_barA progress bar that suppresses ActiveRecord logging.
147,2183,347cells_slim_railsBring back slim defaults to cells-slim
147,2183,347sinderella_cloneKata-like practice building a gem with Bundler, TDD, Travis CI & Coveralls.
147,2183,347fortniteRetrieve informations from Fortnite with API, with a lot of resource to...
147,2183,347goatos-baseDeploy and manage multi node LXC installation using Chef and Blender
147,2183,347c8dasmc8dasm is a utility to disassemble a Chip8 binary file.
147,2183,347linkingpaths-acts_as_videoclubExternal Video management plugin.
147,2183,347innetra-acts_as_seekableSeekable (search) functionality for Rails applications
147,2183,347jnunemaker-sirenJSON parser that understands cross-references and casts to typed Ruby objects. Implemen...
147,2183,347lattes_apiLattes API client for Ruby.
147,2533,346seedfileCreate ActiveRecord objects using a CSV file
147,2533,346sluggable_mbzGenerates slugs from "sluggable_column" taking out any offensive characters. Really use...
147,2533,346neural_networksNeuronal Networks algoritms
147,2533,346kevins_propietary_brainI will not reveal my very secret algorithim
147,2533,346jslade-gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
147,2533,346jjulian-random_dataGenerate random test data including names, mailing addresses, dates, phone numbers, e-m...
147,2533,346spacemanWrite a longer description. Optional.
147,2533,346vandrijevik-has_phone_numberHasPhoneNumber makes validations for US phone numbers in ActiveRecord models easy.