Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
147261-147280 of all 180,689 gems.
147,2323,348linkingpaths-acts_as_videoclubExternal Video management plugin.
147,2323,348innetra-acts_as_seekableSeekable (search) functionality for Rails applications
147,2323,348teamworkpmA Ruby wrapper to the Teamwork PM API
147,2323,348underlog-campfire-cliCampfire-cli is a simple command line interface to 37signals campfire product.
147,2323,348lattes_apiLattes API client for Ruby.
147,2663,347yopass-cliYopass is a simple and secure service for sharing secrets
147,2663,347smokesEasy to use selenium wrapper (Just a placeholder. Not ready yet.)
147,2663,347flux_on_railsFlux and React generators for Rails
147,2663,347kevwil-hellotxtHelloTxt ( is a simple service that makes updating your social netw...
147,2663,347seedfileCreate ActiveRecord objects using a CSV file
147,2663,347neural_networksNeuronal Networks algoritms
147,2663,347ec2-security-czarManages your EC2 security groups using YAML config files.
147,2663,347kevins_propietary_brainI will not reveal my very secret algorithim
147,2663,347ypadlyak-foremanProcess manager for applications with multiple components
147,2663,347jslade-gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
147,2663,347sluggable_mbzGenerates slugs from "sluggable_column" taking out any offensive characters. Really use...
147,2663,347jperkins-deep_testDeepTest runs tests in multiple processes.
147,2663,347lenary-ginatraHost your own git repository browser through the power of Sinatra and Grit
147,2663,347ngbgolang package 依赖控制
147,2663,347hammer_cli_foreman_rh_cloudForeman Rh Cloud plugin for Hammer CLI