Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
154561-154580 of all 180,534 gems.
154,5573,014ranselAutomatic breadcrums for ransack.
154,5573,014trace_callsTrace the whole chain of method calls.
154,5573,014ordenA tiny helper to sort columns in Rack apps
154,5573,014itamae-plugin-resource-security_contextItamae resource plugin to handle with SELinux security context.
154,5573,014aihs_deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
154,5573,014hello_lcwA simple hello world gem
154,5573,014log_finderThis gem enable you to check Rails log more easiliy.
154,5573,014hola_mumbosauceHello World Gem
154,5573,014rickeyRickey uses the same API that powers MLB's team pages to (politely) request information...
154,5573,014ghkvUse the GitHub API as a ghetto key-value store.
154,5573,014busibeBusibe provides an easy interface to interact with the Jusibe API (
154,5723,013trail_seleniumHandling selenium from ruby script
154,5723,013ArduinoStringToNumConverts a Binary representation of a arduino number to a ruby numeric object.
154,5723,013sobriquetsobiquet is a command line tool that help you to save quickly new shell alias variables
154,5723,013refresh_meRefresh your app made easy
154,5723,013acsv-pA wrapper for Ruby's standard CSV class that auto-detects column separator and file enc...
154,5723,013magic_hashh = h[:foo][:bar] = :baz #=> :baz h #=> {:foo=>...
154,5723,013gemfdThis is a tool for finding gems
154,5723,013label_colorizeGenerate color for specific label based on hue and saturation which allow to have more ...
154,5723,013spymasterTracking system ruby lib