Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
154541-154560 of all 180,534 gems.
154,5263,016fakenameThis gem scrapes the site.
154,5263,016osukas_first"We take a method that adds two numbers an returns their sum"
154,5263,016z85rbPure Ruby implementiation of Z85 encoding. A drop-in replace ...
154,5263,016dustbagA set of response parsers for Vacuum (a wrapper of the Amazon Product Advertising API)
154,5453,015ruboty-niconicoRuboty handler to search from NiconicoVideo.
154,5453,015acts_as_typeA gem make a model attribute acts as a type
154,5453,015redactor-rails4The redactor-rails gem integrates the Redactor editor
154,5453,015fog-hwcloudsThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Ali...
154,5453,015MicrohomologySimultaneously perform custom microhomoly strategies for genetic engineering and bioinf...
154,5453,015labitrynthRuby Gem to generate labirynth
154,5453,015speed_converterA simple conversion script that accepts speed in Km/h as user input and returns the sam...
154,5453,015portuguese_pluralizerA simple gem that extends the String class to allow pluralization of Portuguese nouns
154,5453,015persistent_exconAdds configurable connection pools per host for persistent http connections
154,5453,015dmDailyMotion + DailyMotion V3 API client.
154,5453,015fluent-plugin-azureeventhubs_splunkForwards Fluentd output to Azure EventHubs in Splunk format. Forked from https://github...
154,5573,014working_setWorking Set is a multithreaded custom protocol server with an ncurses-based terminal in...
154,5573,014hello_railsA simple Rails application generator that builds applications with the common customiza...
154,5573,014omf_rc_logatecOMF6 Resource Proxy for the VESNA Log-a-tec testbed
154,5573,014mongoid_extended_dirty_trackableAn ActiveSupport::Concern that extends Mongoid to give you a mixin for tracking changes...