Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
154501-154520 of all 180,488 gems.
154,4963,012hellokenshinjiThis is my first Gem, I created it for learning.
154,4963,012jekyll-theme-html5up-landedThis is a port of the HTML5UP Landed theme for jekyll.
154,4963,012marketing_assetsplaceholder gem
154,4963,012acts_as_typeA gem make a model attribute acts as a type
154,4963,012aihs_deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
154,4963,012kapekaOperasi perhitungan KPK pada integer.
154,4963,012jive-oauth2Utility functions for dealing with OAuth2 and Jive
154,4963,012speed_converterA simple conversion script that accepts speed in Km/h as user input and returns the sam...
154,4963,012grape-named_routesThis implementation is really simple and not very dynamic, but may be handy.
154,4963,012persistent_exconAdds configurable connection pools per host for persistent http connections
154,4963,012rickeyRickey uses the same API that powers MLB's team pages to (politely) request information...
154,4963,012osukas_first"We take a method that adds two numbers an returns their sum"
154,5143,011omf_rc_logatecOMF6 Resource Proxy for the VESNA Log-a-tec testbed
154,5143,011trail_seleniumHandling selenium from ruby script
154,5143,011ordenA tiny helper to sort columns in Rack apps
154,5143,011fog-hwcloudsThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Ali...
154,5143,011embulk-input-sparqlLoads records by Sparql.
154,5143,011refresh_meRefresh your app made easy
154,5143,011ilkbyteIncluding functions to use api-ilkbyte