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154481-154500 of all 180,488 gems.
154,4803,013ruboty-niconicoRuboty handler to search from NiconicoVideo.
154,4803,013hola_sishikawagem adding test.
154,4803,013redactor-rails4The redactor-rails gem integrates the Redactor editor
154,4803,013logstash-filter-ipipThe IPIP filter adds information about the location of IP addresses, based on data from...
154,4803,013lang_cardsThis application supports you in learning foreing language vocabulary.
154,4803,013hola_z15445124A simple hello world gem
154,4803,013hola_z15026hyA simple hello world gem
154,4803,013focus_actorThis is a toy tool to extend concurrency for objects.
154,4803,013iranian-ssnHelps validate Iranian SSN & extracts extra information
154,4803,013memeliciousIdentify and parse internet "memes" in Ruby.
154,4803,013XcodeTemplatesXcodeTemplates e.
154,4803,013enhanced_promptDSL to write cool prompt.
154,4803,013dmDailyMotion + DailyMotion V3 API client.
154,4803,013embulk-formatter-markdown_tableFormats Markdown Table files for other file output plugins.
154,4803,013dustbagA set of response parsers for Vacuum (a wrapper of the Amazon Product Advertising API)
154,4963,012homeboundThe Homebound SDK for API use
154,4963,012mailinator-fixMailinator REST API wrapper
154,4963,012trace_callsTrace the whole chain of method calls.
154,4963,012ranselAutomatic breadcrums for ransack.
154,4963,012json_schema_validatorUses three different ruby schema gems to be as precise as possible