Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
156721-156740 of all 180,689 gems.
156,7192,852ringuA simple dependency injection framework for ruby
156,7192,852abcdistillThis gem gives you the most read books this week in each genre from GoodReads. You can ...
156,7192,852jekyll-gemtextUse Gemtext source files (*.gmi and *.gemini) files in the Jekyll static site generator
156,7192,852stripe_clerkStripe Payment method for office_clerk ecommerce system.
156,7192,852murmur-grpcProvides Murmur gRPC bindings for Ruby
156,7262,851podageA simple tool to package Cocoapods into Frameworks
156,7262,851asn1_parserParser of Asn1 objects.
156,7262,851batch-requireA gem that can act as a Gemlock file for ruby with non-rails structure. Online feature ...
156,7262,851bugsnagjs-railsbugsnagjs for rails assets pipeline
156,7262,851gonow-deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
156,7262,851teLoggerRestructuring of Tlogger library to ensure interfacing layer covers all expected use ca...
156,7262,851active_merchant_ecpayThis gem integrate Rails with ecpay (綠界科技).
156,7262,851apache_sling_api_clientAPI for interacting with a Sling system.
156,7262,851sidekiq-marshalMarshal encoder for sidekiq. Enables when required.
156,7262,851omniauth-wxUsing OAuth2 to authenticate wechat user when web resources being viewed within wechat(...
156,7262,851rabbit-slide-zundan-rubykaigi2015-ltI hope to communicate to developers of web apps, especially of those handles payment in...
156,7262,851formtastic_leaflet_map_editor_inputSupport including a Leaflet map in a Formtastic form. Included Leaflet and Leaflet.draw
156,7262,851roostify_pkcs11_lunaThis module allows Ruby programs to use vendor extensions for SafeNet Luna.
156,7262,851ForwardMXManage your email forwarders from with Ruby
156,7262,851docker_machineUsed primarily for spawning a docker swarm cluster for docker engine testing.