Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
156741-156760 of all 180,689 gems.
156,7412,850rabbit-slide-hasumikin-RubyKaigi-2019A talk of RubyKaigi 2019 in Fukuoka. Writing mruby/c firmware applications is like writ...
156,7412,850mitre-inspec-objectsLibrary that provides an API for programmatically creating InSpec profiles
156,7412,850yarspgYARSPG is an YARS-PG reader/writer for the RDF.rb library suite.
156,7412,850gitlab-lint-clientA CLI and library to validate GitLab CI pipeline yaml files via the GitLab API
156,7412,850active_record_includeMakes it easy to have specific concern modules included into all of your models after t...
156,7412,850rabbit-slide-kou-lets-boot-oss-gateOSS Gateとは「OSS開発に参加する人を増やす取り組み」です。なぜOSS Gateをはじめることになったのか、どのようにすれば継続的にOSS開発に参加する人を増やす仕組...
156,7412,850rspec-cloud-corerspec-cloud-core provides rspec matchers and rspec-cloud classes.
156,7412,850lotus-bootstrapTwitter bootstrap library for lotus applications
156,7492,849logstash-input-broThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
156,7492,849train-vaulttrain-vault plugin UNDER CONSTRUCTION
156,7492,849tchaeHaving to validate method parameters and/or the result of method is a quite common and ...
156,7492,849omniauth-scientistOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Scientist.
156,7492,849floutWrite a longer description or delete this line.
156,7492,849tinysplineTinySpline is a small, yet powerful library for interpolating, transforming, and queryi...
156,7492,849fluent-plugin-rtailFluentd output plugin for rtail.
156,7492,849oshiriTruncate last word
156,7492,849cyymmdd_converterWith this gem you could simply convert string to cyymmdd format and back
156,7582,848rakuten-travel-crawlerEmpower World Travel Information Technology
156,7582,848corissawex-hitchens-themeAn inarguably well-designed theme for Jekyll, edited by Corissa.
156,7582,848rubydecodeqrRuby QR Code Decoder