Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
157061-157080 of all 180,371 gems.
157,0572,783ruby-freedomFreedom is a very simple ruby web application framework.
157,0572,783page_rankCalculates the PageRank of a network.
157,0632,782cucumber-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
157,0632,782kitchen-openvzOpenVZ driver for test-kitchen
157,0632,782amajp_crawlCrawl AsinID any production from Amazonjp via Terminal
157,0632,782appsignal-exporterExporter for the AppSignal platform
157,0632,782heap-helpersRails-compatible helpers for setting the heap.js snippet
157,0632,782ssa_to_zipsA tool that maps ssa county codes to zip codes.
157,0632,782seat-beltTool to define implementation interfaces that should be decoupled from their implementa...
157,0632,782srikanth-helloA simple hello world gem
157,0632,782rabbit-slide-kenhys-ubuntu-streaming-meeting-2101Ubuntu Streaming Meeting 21.01
157,0632,782central-cliCentral command line tool
157,0632,782rubypivotTransforming a dataset or array of hashes into a spreadsheet-style array
157,0632,782colorthemeBeauty in coding
157,0632,782caseconvConvert string case between lower, upper, cammel, snake, kebab cases.
157,0632,782nopid_rails_serverThis gem sets the default pidfile for rails server to be nil instead of tmp/pids/server...
157,0632,782cocoapods-entitlements-statisticsA short description of cocoapods-entitlements-statistics.
157,0632,782ignore_logger_headerUtility for ignoring the header of the logger.
157,0792,781refbiblio_rafaGema para representar referencias de bibliografías.
157,0792,781matrackA ruby MVC framework implented using rack.