Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
157921-157940 of all 180,534 gems.
157,9202,711lupeAllows you to create loop programs easily
157,9202,711lixian115a command tool for 115 wangpan lixian util
157,9202,711phils_test_gemThis is a test
157,9202,711snagRead a snagfile, snag files; can't explain that
157,9202,711pintoscheck== PintosCheck -- Auto Pintos Checker to Save the Day == == Functionalities == The fun...
157,9202,711footableFooTable - Awesome Responsive Tables. Where you can sort table through jquery.
157,9202,711rajthemeA beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll. NOT DONE YET.
157,9202,711activerecord-always_reset_column_informationCall Model.reset_column_information for each migrations
157,9292,710jekyll_draftThis Jekyll filter detects draft documents.
157,9292,710ecr-deployA simple script to deploy services and tasks on AWS ECS
157,9292,710qableQable acceptance testig framework based in Cucumber/Capybara
157,9292,710fluent-plugin-k8s-metricsA fluentd input plugin that collects node and container metrics from a kubernetes cluster.
157,9292,710simulator_babySimulator rest server
157,9292,710nordigen_ob_clientA Ruby client for Nordigen's Open Banking v2.0 API. Look at
157,9292,710tnodeMy data structure homework
157,9292,710nucleus-coreA Ruby business logic framework
157,9292,710any_sms-backend-smsruAnySMS backend for service
157,9292,710jekyll-theme-nixA very minimalistic, single-author Jekyll theme with almost default browser styling, an...
157,9292,710admiral-checkDeployment and testing tool
157,9292,710stripe-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...