Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
157981-158000 of all 180,488 gems.
157,9732,699atomic_potato_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
157,9732,699cinch-integrateCinch plugin that adds a integrate event to cinch so that other plugins can interface w...
157,9832,698druzy-utilsSome utils I use
157,9832,698adafruit_charlcdA port of the Adafruit_Python_CharLCD Library
157,9832,698sticky_elephantLog logins and queries for an emulated PostgresQL server
157,9872,697dorian-pw`prettier --write [FILES...]` that allows line numbers e.g. `pw app/models/user.rb:34`...
157,9872,697haqplA simple hello world gem
157,9872,697unsupportedRack middleware that filters out the browsers your app doesn't support.
157,9872,697nordigen_ob_clientA Ruby client for Nordigen's Open Banking v2.0 API. Look at
157,9872,697zanzouProvides DSL for "modifying immutable objects"
157,9872,697sorry-api-rubyAn easy to use Ruby wrapper for the Sorry™ Status Page API. For details on what you can...
157,9872,697flimper_nikitaThis gem allows you to send notifications in case an error occurs on your application.
157,9872,697api_serviceLightweight skeleton of service for API actions
157,9872,697faceauthA simple rails engine to implement authentication using Facial recognition system
157,9962,696lock-redisTo lock a key of the Redis, then daemonize. If killed, it will release the key.
157,9962,696em-pg-client-12PostgreSQL asynchronous EventMachine client, based on pg interface (PG::Connection)
157,9962,696peatio-iotaPeatio Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube
157,9962,696orthotypoIl y a un corpus riche de règles typographiques, dépendant des langues. Cette gem vise ...
157,9962,696git_stashoutGit tool that stashes, checks-out, then unstashes.