Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
157941-157960 of all 180,534 gems.
157,9412,709sinatra-web-inspectorWeb inspector for sinatra (part of BigBand).
157,9412,709searchcraftUse your SQL database to power instant search for your Rails app with materalized views
157,9412,709dropbox-sdk-svA Small Victories fork of the Dropbox REST API Client A library that provides a pl...
157,9412,709owasp-glueGlue detects security vulnerabilities in code.
157,9412,709rspec_method_groupinghelper method grouping
157,9412,709campbell_view_toolProvides generated HTML for Rails applications
157,9412,709musicxmlRuby bindings for musicxml
157,9412,709jekyll-indiewebIndieWeb compatible theme for Jekyll.
157,9412,709hola_ivalentineA simple hello world gem
157,9412,709state_machinaState machine supporting multiple machines per object
157,9412,709text-extractorExtract text from common office files. Based on the file's content type a command line ...
157,9412,709RHPPages are written in any templating language supported by the tilt gem. Routes are base...
157,9412,709set-assetsA gem that display the last assets of SET. Usage: SETAssets::run
157,9412,709bonio-capistrano-railsRails specific Capistrano tasks
157,9412,709ruby-bitfieldBitfields in ruby
157,9562,708bing_search_clientA simple client to interact with Bing search API.
157,9562,708animeWrite a longer description or delete this line.
157,9562,708biz_directoryDirectory of businesses that are registered in the city of San Francisco California.
157,9562,708epayment-testeS[ace Gem].