Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
157961-157980 of all 180,488 gems.
157,9552,701access_checkerSimple access control on controller basis
157,9552,701golangGolang like tools in ruby
157,9642,700termA toolkit of Terminal. Rich support for color, mouse, and lightweight component.
157,9642,700galvanizeThis project aims to provide an easy to use framework for generating templates
157,9642,700insult_clinicReturns a random silly insult
157,9642,700standard-procedure-consolidateSimple ruby mailmerge for Microsoft Word .docx files.
157,9642,700ruby-backuplonger description of your gem
157,9642,700range_loggerCommand line tool to download environment logs by date range.
157,9642,700davids_studio_game# studio_game
157,9642,700sxdgsxdg is a simple xdg base dir library
157,9732,699wp-sessioniserDisplays reader sessions from an apache wordpress log
157,9732,699clone.ioGenetically identical images that reproduce asexually.
157,9732,699bunqClient for the bunq API
157,9732,699coloranalyzerA tool to analyze the main color of a picture
157,9732,699sequel_record_storeEasily store records in your database with Sequel
157,9732,699platelayerUsed as a base line all FireWorks projects
157,9732,699iot_servicesIOT Services
157,9732,699arel-orderAdds several methods which help to build ORDER BY statements.