Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
158361-158380 of all 180,518 gems.
158,3602,657ALU0100893649_ALIMENTO"Clase para gestionar los glúcidos, lípidos y proteínas de un alimento específico"
158,3602,657AlkzzA simple hello world gem
158,3602,657rails_admin_pretenderA simple gem to integrate pretender with RailsAdmin
158,3602,657colrapicolrapi (a play on Kholrabi) is a low-level wrapper around the Catalog of Life API.
158,3602,657matchscoreSimulates match results
158,3602,657gem_test_djungstThis is to demo gem creation
158,3602,657rumale-torchRumale::Torch provides the learning and inference by the neural network defined in torc...
158,3602,657anakhiTicTacToe Gem Project from Viking Code School
158,3692,656tonal-toolsBasic tools, utilities and conveniences for microtonal music making and analysis
158,3692,656fleet-rubyA simple REST client for the CoreOS Fleet API
158,3692,656rabbit-slide-niku-osc2016do-elixirElixirという言語の名前を聞いたことがあるかもしれません. 他の言語と比べてどこが異なり,どう使うと便利なのでしょうか? 試した結果を共有します. オープンソースカンフ...
158,3692,656EmailListSample Gem creation and maintenance.
158,3732,655bunto-archivegeneratorAn archive page generator plugin for Bunto.
158,3732,655fastlane-plugin-add_fix_versionCreate and makr tickets with fix version
158,3732,655fluent-plugin-parser-cloudfoundry-syslogCloudFoundry log parser for Fluentd
158,3732,655jptjpt implements converters and miscellaneous tools for JSONPath
158,3732,655kv_formatterThis format is similar to how Heroku formats their logs and Logstash parses them with k...
158,3732,655sugarpaccioneThis be a cute dog named sugar.
158,3792,654hipflagThis gem is a Ruby client for interacting with Hipflag API. Hipflag is a tool that allo...
158,3792,654square_railsThis gem provides a convenient way for a developer to quickly get to a merchant's data ...