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158321-158340 of all 180,689 gems.
158,3212,681geoserver_migrationsManage your geoserver configuration like you manage your database: with migrations
158,3212,681edifact_railsThis gem allows you to pass in a EDIFACT string or file, and returns an array structure...
158,3212,681faker-cheatsheetPrints out all Faker methods
158,3212,681update_gitreposupdate all git repos at once.
158,3212,681new_initWelcome to init gem! This gem is a MonkeyPatching gem that provides you with the more f...
158,3212,681shoes-dslShoes is the best little GUI toolkit for Ruby. Shoes makes building for Mac, Windows, a...
158,3212,681localization_checkThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
158,3212,681dotenv-diffChecks the differences between dotenv files
158,3212,681hola_jiabierA simple hello world gem
158,3212,681infinum_fontsGem containing three oftenly used Infinum fonts.
158,3312,680prometheus_parserParse prometheus metrics
158,3312,680citus-rails-4.2Citus Rails Integration (Rails 4.2)
158,3312,680approval-ratings-cli-appPres Approval Ratings
158,3312,680ruby_usOO Abstractions and helpers for Ruby.
158,3312,680logstash-output-java_output_exampleThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
158,3312,680lpsolveA Ruby library for using simplex-method Mixed Integer Linear Programming solver, lpsolv...
158,3372,679apidae-engine-railsTo be completed
158,3372,679rack-timetravelerYou can be a Time Traveler.
158,3372,679cielaA simple hello world gem
158,3372,679padsRuby client for the Pads macOS app