Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
158281-158300 of all 180,661 gems.
158,2782,681aplGem to allow APL array operations in Ruby
158,2782,681rsync-adhocAd hoc rsync server.
158,2782,681embulk-filter-reverse_geocodingReverse Geocoding
158,2782,681bleedA Ruby Gem to automate REST API attacks
158,2782,681work_shaperWorkShaper was built to parallelize the work needed to process Kafka messages.
158,2882,680chaussettesA wrapper around the sox audio manipulation utility
158,2882,680pachookA ruby gem for hooking into PAC and javascript implementations
158,2882,680geoserver_clientSimple procedural client to consume the GeoServer REST API
158,2882,680autoprefixerAutoprefixer in ruby
158,2882,680bcalcC lib wrapper for Bridge Calculator
158,2882,680country_code_litecountry code lib
158,2882,680dotenv-initSick of copying from .env.example files? Me too.
158,2882,680update_gitreposupdate all git repos at once.
158,2972,679geoserver_migrationsManage your geoserver configuration like you manage your database: with migrations
158,2972,679new_initWelcome to init gem! This gem is a MonkeyPatching gem that provides you with the more f...
158,2972,679bke_chef-rundeckProvides a resource endpoint for RunDeck from a Chef Server
158,2972,679faker-cheatsheetPrints out all Faker methods