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158341-158360 of all 180,518 gems.
158,3372,660slza (light) binding for
158,3372,660layout-generatorThis generator will put the layout library file in your vendor assets, and configure th...
158,3372,660syslog_protocol_criteoSyslog protocol parser and generator
158,3442,659fluent-plugin-out-http-ext-ignore-ssl-errorsA generic Fluentd output plugin to send logs to an HTTP endpoint with SSL and Header op...
158,3442,659wenjuan_apiWenjuan Api integration gem
158,3442,659has_secure_password_argon2Drop-in replacement for has_secure_password that uses argon2
158,3442,659cardano-upCardano Up lets you get all essential Cardano tools on your sys...
158,3442,659simonwh-acts-as-taggable-onWith ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills...
158,3442,659fluent-plugin-obsolete-pluginsReport obsolete plugins on boot
158,3502,658bj_hello_worldThis gem help you BJ
158,3502,658fluent-plugin-websphere-iibInput plugin for websphere Integration Bus syslog
158,3502,658d-parseD★Parse is a library for building parser combinators.
158,3502,658cx_extractorUsed to extract text from the web page. This tool is appropriate for the web page which...
158,3502,658canvas_fakerAtomic Jolt found that we frequently needed to setup courses with users to test. This g...
158,3502,658mailx_rubyRuby wrapper for mailx command
158,3502,658middleman-sitemap-xml-generatorAdds a sitemap.xml file to your Middleman site for search engines.
158,3502,658bankscrap-ibercajaIbercaja adapter for Bankscrap
158,3502,658velaVela is a simple light gem which clone a table records from mysql to postgresql and vic...
158,3502,658toto_prereleasethe tiniest blog-engine in Oz.
158,3602,657google_company_searchIncludes a blacklist of URLs to filter out business news sites, aggregators (like Manta...