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160301-160320 of all 180,371 gems.
160,2862,486activesupport_testcase_extrasProvides some additional test methods to ActiveSupport::TestCase.
160,2862,486qasimQasim is a front-end for sshfs, the filesystem client based on fuse and ssh. It provid...
160,2862,486comprehensionProvide Proc#comprehension
160,3042,485proto-theme3Theme used for the wand website
160,3042,485omniauth-plurkan omniauth strategy for plurk
160,3042,485wotusayUser entry convenience
160,3042,485peatio-dashcoinDashcoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abs...
160,3042,485tex_mindbody-apiTEX Mindbody v6 API wrapper
160,3042,485env_parameter_storeInject secrets to ENV from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.
160,3042,485kageuchiWeb application server
160,3042,485hola_chihasoA simple hello world gem
160,3042,485chanko_abab test extension for chanko
160,3042,485refile-shopifyShopify backend for Refile
160,3042,485solidus_sale_pricingSolidus extension to set sale products with start and end date.
160,3042,485bond_calculatorCalculate the best bond
160,3042,485activerecord_simple_oauth2ActiveRecord mixin for SimpleOAuth2 authorization
160,3042,485zammad-szpmThis gem provides a class to parse, manipulate and store SZPM files and create ZPM stri...
160,3042,485ruby-unf_extThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
160,3042,485arkoseThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
160,3042,485au_pincodewhen provided AU pincode it will return state.