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160241-160260 of all 180,488 gems.
160,2332,503feefoMethods to fetch and show feefo reviews
160,2332,503unrichunrich is a pure ruby rtf2txt converter; it reads an rtf and can only output it as UTF-...
160,2332,503keleA client for the Bloc API
160,2332,503super_voteA voting gem, purely for testing purposes
160,2332,503knitDeep merging for hashes and arrays...
160,2332,503IvfcalcTakes as input the volume, time and drop_factor and returns the result for the IV flow ...
160,2332,503shashiStore and fetch data from a JSON file using the command line.
160,2482,502activerecord_activity_trackerThis gem will allows you to create the data model for social news feed used in many mod...
160,2482,502prompt_managerManage the parameterized prompts (text) used in generative AI (aka chatGPT, OpenAI, et...
160,2482,502TeamPageWrite a longer description or delete this line.
160,2482,502awais_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palindrome Detector
160,2482,502embulk-encoder-lz4Encodes LZ4 files for other file output plugins.
160,2482,502acts_as_templateDescription of ActsAsTemplate.
160,2482,502basic_linked_listappending elements to a linked list generates successive list nodes
160,2482,502kageuchiWeb application server
160,2482,502prawn-label_sheetGenerate sets of labels or stickers programmatically using Prawn PDF.
160,2482,502vault_cohCompany of Heroes replay parsing in Ruby using the vault parsing library via a Rust nat...
160,2482, API wrapper
160,2482,502the_boardsA simple gem that pulls the hottest songs from the Billboard Charts Hot 100