Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
160221-160240 of all 180,488 gems.
160,2202,504golife-cliConway's Game of Life
160,2202,504ruby-vonageUse the Vonage Business API with Ruby
160,2202,504EnhanceXCprettySimple gem to enhance xcpretty report
160,2202,504sendgrid_contact_persistA microservice for persisting contacts to Sendgrid.
160,2202,504dieta-alu0100895179Gema que nos permite escribir dietas, en concreto distintos objetos menú con informació...
160,2202,504fastlane-plugin-gen_dev_workspaceConfigures an xcworkspace with specified xcodeprojs
160,2202,504circuit_patch_toolsTools for manipulating Novation Circuit patches
160,2202,504corner_stonesThis gem makes it easy to build PageObjects and make your acceptance tests more object ...
160,2202,504pwpushLinks to passwords expire after a certain number of views and/or time has passed. Hoste...
160,2202,504alimento-alu0100946499Clase alimento creada para la práctica 6 de LPP
160,2202,504permitifyA ruby gem for adding permissions to rolify.
160,2332,503post-massage-railsThis gem provides PostMassage for your Rails 3+ application.
160,2332,503hash_identableAn easy uuid wrapper for ruby applications
160,2332,503product-aggregator-rbProduct Aggregator ruby client
160,2332,503cenit-apiProvides a Ruby client to interact with a Cenit API using a DSL to route your resources...
160,2332,503partioprintA gem to add name of partial as comments in rendered HTML
160,2332,503kojiA development/staging environment detector.
160,2332,503dekodendekoden decorates methods
160,2332,503scroll_text`puts`-like method where characters appear one at a time