Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
161241-161260 of all 180,616 gems.
161,2342,458gitlab-akerlRuby client and CLI for GitLab API
161,2342,458maini-utilsThis gem contains Maini libs utils
161,2342,458open_weather_serviceAllows you to get the current weather and the forecast of the current week
161,2342,458pagamento_digitalPagamento digital alpha, usar por sua conta
161,2342,458roadfoodProvides details on the most recent reviews from
161,2342,458simple_default_valuesSimple default values on creation of ActiveRecord models.
161,2342,458qiita2evernoteTransfer your qiita stocks to your evernote notebook
161,2342,458veloe-landing-page-themeIt's a Veloe Landing Page theme.
161,2492,457fowers_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
161,2492,457spree_sphinx_searchSearch for Spree via Sphinx.
161,2492,457xls_to_rdfConverts xls file to RDF graph
161,2492,457html_meta_tagsManage HTML meta tags in rails admin area to improve SEO, manage their i18n title, desc...
161,2492,457best-pizzaBest Pizza Restaurants in New York
161,2492,457pry-yesPry plugin for re-running the previous command with "Did you mean?" suggestion.
161,2492,457awssdkYou probably meant `gem install aws-sdk`.
161,2492,457test-testWrite a longer description. Optional.
161,2492,457meta-buildBiblioteca Ruby para extração de meta-informações dos artefatos de construção do SIC.
161,2492,457solidus_contact_usReworked the contact_us gem to add a basic contact us form to Spree.
161,2492,457kindaSuper basic type checking functions in ruby.