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161281-161300 of all 180,629 gems.
161,2802,456magnetsComing soon.
161,2802,456checkersA mini assertion libray + helpers for grouping the assertions + helpers for printing re...
161,2802,456wei_blogVotevoting gem written by Ruby on rails project
161,2802,456devlyA tool for development environments
161,2802,456packupThis gem provides a simple DSL for making MSI packages.
161,2802,456stack_trace-vizVisualization library for StackTrace gem
161,2802,456json_schema_ref_parserResolves references ($ref) to local yaml files and returns a single hash object
161,2802,456actionchatAction Chat allows you to build chatbots in Rails
161,2802,456mistrikushals_first_gemthis is my first gem for the practice only. doesn't much do
161,2802,456libmp3lame-js-railsRails gem for libmp3lame-js dependency
161,2802,456particlefx2d2D particle effects API for use with any Ruby graphics API.
161,2802,456sidekiq_async_taskMaking asyncronous transactional sidekiq jobs possible
161,2802,456logstash5-input-mqttThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
161,2802,456beaker-puppeterPuppeter is a automated, unattended, Puppet installer, and beaker-puppeter is a Beaker ...
161,2802,456netaddr-rbThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
161,2802,456ruby-i2cYet another ruby i2c library
161,2802,456sigfilFilters for signal processing.
161,2802,456webfleet_connectThe WEBFLEET.connect API connects software appli­ca­tions with the Webfleet fleet manag...
161,2992,455logstash-filter-jwt-decoderThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
161,2992,455peicttThis is going to be a better version of sinatra but not as heavy as rails