Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
161301-161320 of all 180,709 gems.
161,2812,465rabbit-slide-wikimatze-vim-testGiven at
161,2812,465apillaryA client for the Bloc API
161,3032,464sprockets4-commonjsAdds CommonJS support to Sprockets
161,3032,464pagamento_digitalPagamento digital alpha, usar por sua conta
161,3032,464hl7tocsvConvert HL7 ORU messages to CSV with ease
161,3032,464simple_core_extensionssimple core extensions
161,3032,464simple_twitter_oauthA really simple Twitter OAuth library.
161,3032,464star_wars_ship_fakerCreates Fake Ship Names in the style of Star Wars
161,3032,464numA simple hello world gem
161,3032,464light_rules_engineGem is a foundation of rule engine
161,3032,464xls_to_rdfConverts xls file to RDF graph
161,3032,464best-pizzaBest Pizza Restaurants in New York
161,3032,464hydnUltimate Jekyll Theme for Blogging.
161,3032,464uc3-dmp-cloudwatchHelper for working with Lambda logs
161,3032,464globalize3-jovotoRails I18n: de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord 3 model/data translation.
161,3032,464omniauth-mayunOauth2 Gem for (gitosc git@osc etc..)
161,3032,464gitlab-akerlRuby client and CLI for GitLab API
161,3032,464ruby_utilsRuby core extensions and class utilities
161,3032,464jeffrey_botterhill_clientClient gem to use with JeffreyBotterhill
161,3032,464SearchNamereturns true if the name found