Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
161701-161720 of all 180,702 gems.
161,7012,440test_redmine_vzCommon libraries for RedmineCRM plugins for Redmine. Requered Redmine from http://redmi...
161,7012,440admin-utilsSome basic utilities that I need often when writing Ruby Code
161,7012,440eggman_testingJust for testing
161,7012,440superbadmakes noise x2
161,7012,440embulk-executor-mapreduce_2_7Executes tasks on Hadoop.
161,7012,440io-teeCopies stdout (or any other IO stream) contents to a file or another stream. Works with...
161,7012,440workarea-jquery_magnifyLet your user enlarge images on mouseover, it's a great candidate for non touch enabled...
161,7012,440kiwi-rubyWrapper for the API
161,7012,440best_selling_booksLists the best selling books from Amazon and B&N and provides information about eac...
161,7012,440voteable_tingcThe best voting gem ever
161,7012,440filterjs-railsFilter.js for Ruby on Rails
161,7012,440lita-odot-tripcheck-web-hackODOT Tripcheck Cameras
161,7012,440hearthgemBusy night... but there's always room for another!
161,7012,440movescountApi wrapper for Suunto movescount
161,7012,440pribytkovskiy_gemfirst gem
161,7012,440world_timeYou can easily return local time in the world
161,7012,440rocksdb-ruby-kmangA simple RocksDB library for Ruby
161,7012,440intis-sdkRuby SDK for operating with Intis telecom API and sending SMS
161,7012,440workarea-jquery_zoomLet your user pinch, drag and tap (zoom-in, zoom-out) your beautiful thumbnails.
161,7012,440andorAndor is a simple name generator based on an 'And/Or' JSON format. It includes simple e...