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161741-161760 of all 180,616 gems.
161,7342,431svatok_codebreakerCodebreaker is a logic game in which a code-breaker tries to ...
161,7342,431candland_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
161,7342,431csvbuilder-importerHelp handle CSVs in a more efficient way
161,7342,431shopify-copsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
161,7342,431surveillanceAllows you to give your users the ability to create polls in your Rails app
161,7342,431eli_doublerTest gem
161,7342,431bestselling_gamesThis gem allows you to list Gamestop's best selling games for each system, and the deta...
161,7482,430blur-text_helperThis is a text helper-module for Blur scripts that will make it easier to do common tas...
161,7482,430null_object_modelsNull Object Models is a gem that provides finder method(s) extensions to ActiveRecord::...
161,7482,430assinameWrite a longer description. Optional.
161,7482,430io-teeCopies stdout (or any other IO stream) contents to a file or another stream. Works with...
161,7482,430iifClone of riif gem with latest updates
161,7482,430xliffRead and write xliff files
161,7552,429angry_raiseraise exceptions, with emotion and intensity
161,7552,429timezone_dropdownThis gem helps you to add a dropdown for timezone and change the timezone according to...
161,7552,429embulk-input-search_analyticsLoads records from Search Analytics.
161,7552,429wkhtmltopdf_binary_gemThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
161,7552,429jekyll-pushpressA Jekyll plugin
161,7552,429tor2Tor.rb is a Ruby library for interacting with the Tor anonymity network.