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161761-161780 of all 180,534 gems.
161,7482,422menus_alu100851236A partir de la práctica anterior, implementar una clase para gestionar listas enlazadas.
161,7482,422ttwatcherTorrents search tool for [rutor|unionpeer|megashara|zooqle] sites.
161,7482,422http-exceptions_parserParses the exception message returned from the http-exceptions gem.
161,7482,422meepoSomething small for process management
161,7482,422io-teeCopies stdout (or any other IO stream) contents to a file or another stream. Works with...
161,7482,422ruby-coffee-scriptThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
161,7482,422jekyll-bitlyJekyll filter that uses to shorten URLs.
161,7682,421roger1027_votinga voting gem is failure. just test.
161,7682,421mciconsMaking Mac Icons File.
161,7682,421noname_test_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.}
161,7682,421get-jetsget-jets provides the official integration of Jets gems with Ruby on Rails framework.
161,7682,421simple_sqsOpinionated but Simple SQS wrapper.
161,7682,421slavkatagWrite a longer description or delete this line.
161,7682,421rails-simplemdeSimpleMDE integration for Rails
161,7682,421the-code-showA portfolio style jekyll theme for devs or others, using Bootstrap 4
161,7682,421ypoloniexProvides a wrapper for api
161,7682,421aisequenceagiAsagi evolved out of the ExperienceSequencer. Note that you'll still need to modify the...
161,7682,421ruby-babel-transpilerThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
161,7682,421route_boundImplicit model binding for Ruby on Rails, based on Laravel's implicit model binding.
161,7682,421inegi_denueINEGI DENUE