Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
161681-161700 of all 180,702 gems.
161,6682,442frgomFirst ruby gem of many.
161,6682,442dynamic_uniqueness_validatorDynamic uniqueness validator to validation two fields before save in db.
161,6832,441crunchpipeUsing the data-pipeline pattern loosely-based on dataflow programming, CrunchPipe helps...
161,6832,441sweetsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
161,6832,441gtt_5t_api_clientScraps data from 5t timetable portal.
161,6832,441log_managerA log manager gem
161,6832,441factbook-fieldsfactbook-fields - world factbook country profile meta data - categories, fields, subfie...
161,6832,441amendBasic ODM wrapper for Rethinkdb
161,6832,441very_goodVeryGood gives you a nice API so you can set what letters should be where/what colour A...
161,6832,441chatbot-engineThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
161,6832,441rpn_rubyProcesses arithmetic expressions in postfix notation
161,6832,441rails-middleware_timerTime the 'call' method of the middleware classes used by Rails.
161,6832,441painless-tableLibrary for data visualization in the terminal.
161,6832,441rproofSimple test framework in Ruby.
161,6832,441cnhValidates the Brazilian Transit Driver's License
161,6832,441Smith_View_ToolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
161,6832,441shopping2Online Shopping gem
161,6832,441my_own_mazeMaze Game
161,6832,441alec-gemA gem that provides a client interface for the alec error logger
161,6832,441ruby_firebase_verifyRuby gem for firebase 3 token verification