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165281-165300 of all 180,534 gems.
165,2702,233blank_gemA blank/empty Ruby gem that does nothing. Useful for testing that only specific Bundler...
165,2702,233SimpleMailVery Simple gem for send mail
165,2702,233morozink_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
165,2702,233flash_analyticsA simple way to render javascript analytics fragments on demand
165,2702,233the_best_view_toolView methods that I use for my applications
165,2872,232tyler_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
165,2872,232TearDownPlugini need a job
165,2872,232giternal-digarcGiternal provides dead-simple management of external git dependencies. It only stores a...
165,2872,232neo-walletNEO Wallet library for ruby.
165,2872,232envelope_allocThis gem can use gaussian algorithm allocation a number
165,2872,232strict_integerConvert Integer in strict way.
165,2872,232hex_token_bot58token bot.
165,2872,232quick_fakerHandy Faker wrapper for noobs too lazy to read the documentation.
165,2872,232sidekiq-fake-schedulerThis gem provides behavior similar to sidekiq's inline mode but respects starting dates...
165,2872,232qrapi-wrapperQRAPI Ruby API Wrapper
165,2872,232fastlane-plugin-postmarkFastlane plugin to public message to SNS topic.
165,2872,232polen_charity_donation_apiA sua API de doações.
165,2872,232substantial-sunspot_railsSunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rai...
165,2872,232kuapirKinopoisk Unofficial API предеставляет доступ к данным сайта ...