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165261-165280 of all 180,530 gems.
165,2582,233rtramRTram provides a server to develop static websites while converting Slim and Sass into ...
165,2582,233alu0100406580_nutricionDesarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas (TDD). Representación de un programa en Ruby para repre...
165,2582,233rusty_camel_linuxSnake to Camel case
165,2582,233tzispa_annotationsmethods annotation in ruby
165,2582,233synSyntactic Ruby objects.
165,2582,233toy-oreA toy library to get an understanding of how order revealing encryption works. This is ...
165,2582,233logstash-integration-internalThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
165,2582,233central_authentication_clientThis gem is to create and get data for a central authentication server.
165,2582,233minispec-givenGiven is a Minitest::Spec extension that allows the use of Given/When/Then terminology ...
165,2582,233the_best_view_toolView methods that I use for my applications
165,2582,233jsonarCommand-line tool for searching in JSON files
165,2732,232tyler_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
165,2732,232TearDownPlugini need a job
165,2732,232light_service-validated_contextLightService plugin adding DSL for expected/promised keys validation
165,2732,232applin-railsCreate mobile apps using only backend code. Applinâ„¢ is a Server-Driven UI (SDUI) system.
165,2732,232hello_test_gem_9001Make gem for the first time for description.
165,2732,232jwaA Ruby implementation of the RFC 7518 JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) standard
165,2732,232neo-walletNEO Wallet library for ruby.
165,2732,232strict_integerConvert Integer in strict way.