Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
165321-165340 of all 180,534 gems.
165,3182,230slack_test_reporterParse test results from various sources and post reports to Slack
165,3182,230humanHuman API
165,3182,230naniA standalone gem for annotating model files
165,3182,230print_helloA simple hello world gem
165,3182,230sidekiq-fair_tenantRe-route jobs of way too active tenants to slower queues, letting other tenant's jobs t...
165,3182,230dyndnsd-opennebulaExport of tokens from OpenNebula for Dyndnsd config.
165,3182,230gitlab-devopsManage your gitlab group and project settings as code as YAML files
165,3282,229exceptional_creaturesRuby's Exceptional Creatures
165,3282,229code_formatterswift code formatter
165,3282,229sms_works_sdkNo description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
165,3282,229schriever_view_toolProvides generate HTML data for Rails applications.
165,3282,229phrases_changer_gemDEPRECATED. Please use gitHub version by link below: ................... https://github...
165,3282,229ved_decoderVedDecoder is a decoder for the Google ved parameter
165,3282,229filecheckA simple gem that rturns the type of file by the file name
165,3282,229rabbit-slide-yebyen-kccnceu2021Helm, the Package manager for Kubernetes. Flux, the GitOps continuous delivery solution...
165,3282,229kybus-storageThis module helps to design persistance modules that are very configurable about wh...
165,3282,229simpl_calc123This gem is going to provide basic arithmetic calculations
165,3282,229hello_manTake from user the time of the day and make a greeting based on this time.
165,3282,229blueprint-jekyll-themeThis theme built using the beta version of the Blueprint Design System.