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Most downloads over all time
165341-165360 of all 180,702 gems.
165,3382,246archetype-bundledAn Archetype bundle that includes the official extensions
165,3382,246schimel_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails applications.
165,3382,246bkh_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
165,3382,246radeonnoiseRuby module to provide access to Linux's AMDGPU driver API from Ruby scripts. + Contro...
165,3382,246decidim-galleryDecidim Gallery Module.
165,3382,246ruby_controlerA simple hello world gem
165,3382,246waylon-slackFull Slack integration for the Waylon Bot Framework
165,3382,246snider_view_toolPorvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
165,3382,246jkinner_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
165,3382,246alu0100406580_nutricionDesarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas (TDD). Representación de un programa en Ruby para repre...
165,3382,246decklandDeckland is a security library written by Chris Bishop
165,3382,246smart-admin-pageMakes you install, faster, smarter, more maintainable
165,3542,245debugLoggerA simple logging gem for a faster debug control
165,3542,245central_authentication_clientThis gem is to create and get data for a central authentication server.
165,3542,245c66-gemnasium-parserSafely parse Gemfiles and gemspecs
165,3542,245from_numbers_to_wordsgem will convert any numbre to words. For e.g -> 12 o/p - tweleve.
165,3542,245perhoaA personal home assistent to help wake you up, remind you of things to do, and more thi...
165,3542,245opentelemetry-dynamic-tracingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
165,3542,245polen_charity_donation_apiA sua API de doações.