Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
167601-167620 of all 182,419 gems.
167,5952,226vi_vsnuA simple hello world gem
167,5952,226session_secret_generatorUses SecureRandom to generate a 64 character random hexadecimal string for use as a ses...
167,5952,226pxgridRuby library for Cisco pxGrid
167,5952,226homers_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
167,5952,226frederick_operations_loggerProvides Rails helper for ActiveRecord Models to log operations for JSON API Resources
167,5952,226tokThe token-based authentication library for the ambitious.
167,5952,226checkpoint_timerA handy timer to benchmark Ruby code
167,5952,226real_estate_financeReal Estate Finance Formulas/Calculations right out of the box.
167,5952,226klajbar_view_toolView specific methods for personal application
167,5952,226pry-golumn`golumn` command for Pry
167,5952,226pics_or_it_didnt_happenSometimes, you might want your HTML to include a one-off image file that is just for on...
167,5952,226verify_nexmo_signatureMiddleware to verify Nexmo signatures
167,5952,226chunglam1999A simple hello world gem
167,6142,225cryptrbA simple gem for cryptography
167,6142,225powerComing soon.
167,6142,225impuriA cleaner and simpler URI and ssh/scp resource parser for Ruby. Though I'm not sure ab...
167,6142,225stupid-cryptA super insecure crypto gem for ruby.
167,6142,225protorclient_rubyPrometheus aggregator client for ruby.
167,6142,225tracer-rbSimple and fast tracer for your Ruby code. It's like puts debugging but on steroids.
167,6142,225greco2_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.