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167561-167580 of all 182,419 gems.
167,5612,228chars_countit counts each characters in a string
167,5612,228ReportGenReportGen generates HTML documents using Report from Markdown.
167,5612,228verihashStructured hashing algorithm that works across multiple formats (Veriform, TJSON)
167,5612,228horse_sayLibrary that print your text as horse talk
167,5612,228bundler-changelogsA bundler plugin that shows changelogs of your gem dependencies that specify changelog ...
167,5612,228picdownDownload the given images from a source file.
167,5612,228dracoonDracoon is a language and compiler to write interactive fiction books.
167,5612,228i_did_meanAutofix your typos, by leveraging DidYouMean suggestions.
167,5612,228relish-billingHandles billing
167,5612,228HttpPingruby ping gem for only http pings and also returns duration
167,5612,228yarn-audit-wrapScript to parse and manage different levels of vulnerabilities from `yarn audit` in rai...
167,5612,228exist_clientA client for posting data to
167,5612,228erd-keeperErdKeeper is a gem that outputs ER diagram by setting yaml. The output of ER diagram is...
167,5612,228form_boyFormBoy - fetch me that form!
167,5612,228postgres-pr-encodingA pure Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL (>= 7.4) database
167,5612,228rubyfy-railsAdding just a touch of Ruby goodness to your JavaScript app.
167,5612,228peplum-nmapDistributed NMap backed by Peplum.
167,5612,228active_html_tagsAnnoyed to write tag.span('LOL')? Just use the new helpers as follows span('lol') to av...
167,5612,228studio-game-soobrakaystudio-game =========== Project from the [Pragmatic Studio Ruby Course][1]. Click the ...