Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
168921-168940 of all 180,681 gems.
168,9212,013ing_rbING API Client
168,9212,013mu-hashFights NoMethodError on nil objects by enforcing a strict access to your data structure.
168,9212,013hola_nathanA simple hello world gem
168,9212,013multiprocess-threadsMore effective threading using multiple processes and channel
168,9212,013data_classificationBy leveraging smart comments in your schema, you can easily use this data throughout yo...
168,9212,013GET-themeTheme for GET Academy AS
168,9212,013dia-cliDia Engineering CLI
168,9212,013embulk-parser-squid_clf_logParses Squid Clf Log files read by other file input plugins.
168,9212,013git_hub_integrationA simple hello world gem
168,9212,013ruby-genGenerate with convention over configuration, it's in pre pre pre alpha dont download st...
168,9212,013raidoIntegrate video footage, GPS and Accelerometer data.※This is a WIP, and will be impleme...
168,9212,013youzan_apiAn easy way to call the youzan API's gem
168,9212,013ulaminateGenerate an Ulam spiral sequence. PNG output available.
168,9212,013CommentsFilterIt's late and this is due is 3 hours!
168,9212,013unreal_reaperCollect and package your code into ActiveRecord model, let's easily use
168,9212,013SchedulerWindowsA simple Scheduler with .bat file on Windows
168,9212,013sdcdOnly for subdomains. it return back object
168,9212,013okta_jwt_validationHelper library for validating Okta jwt token.
168,9212,013decidim-membersThis gem is a member list and search plugin for decidim, you can active the gem via sys...
168,9212,013logstash-loggable-bwcThis gem is a dependency for a Logstash plugin. This gem is not a stand-alone program