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169581-169600 of all 180,702 gems.
169,5801,974version-checkversion-check - up-to-date? - helpers for checking for / reporting outdated gem / libra...
169,5801,974listiReturns an oxford comma separated string for a given array, (csv, or list:COMMING SOON)
169,5801,974tiddlywikiutilsParses Tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file, as well as being to add Tiddlers.
169,5801,974snippet_converterSimple command-line tool to convert Sublime Text Snippets to Visual Studio Code format
169,5801,974miaopay-alipayalipay unofficial sdk
169,5801,974search_ytThis generates files that bases its functionality on the search of YouTube videos throu...
169,5801,974mongoid_archivalEnables archiving (soft delete) of Mongoid documents.
169,5801,974hola_satoWrite a longer description or delete this line.
169,5801,974morbotronGem to wrap API
169,5801,974cocoapods-testTeaA short description of cocoapods-testTea.
169,5801,974s3-website-deployS3 Website deploy tool.
169,5801,974solidus_ship_compliantSolidus Engine for Ship compliant tax calculation service
169,5801,974codebreaker_alLogic game Codebreacker
169,5801,974test-gem-requirement-bugAttempts to reproduce a bug with gem requirement parsing
169,5801,974kkclark_view_toolA gem to help handle view things like copyright
169,5801,974validate_suffixed_numberParse numbers suffixed with mangitude specifiers and/or abbreivations.
169,5801,974ruby-dlibYou can use computer vision features in Ruby.
169,5981,973MathTasksHomework GeekHub
169,5981,973rbinotifyYou probably meant `gem install rb-inotify`.
169,5981,973ruby_ex_orgAttempting to build a gem