Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
169641-169660 of all 180,689 gems.
169,6251,969lita-doubler-iamarmanjonDoubles numbers - simple demo skill
169,6251,969jekyll-remarkTemplate for remark in Jekyll
169,6251,969json_blobCreate `` tags to safely send data to the UI. Yo...
169,6451,968rails_medium_editor_insert_pluginWrite a longer description or delete this line.
169,6451,968reinhardtReinhardt coming soon.
169,6451,968warn-deprecatedThis gem makes it easy to display warnings with deprecated methods.
169,6451,968shalmaneser-prepPREP - Fred and Rosy PREProcessor.
169,6451,968learn_kitTools for machine learning with ruby
169,6451,968geo_fakerImprove your test and demo data by generating realistically distributed geo-coordinates
169,6451,968activestorage-pinataAn ActiveStorage Service
169,6451,968scheme_on_rubyImplementation of Scheme by Ruby
169,6451,968daxtraWrite a longer description or delete this line.
169,6451,968apple_sign_inValidate identity token claims, headers, and signatures.Exchange authorization codes fo...
169,6451,968boolean_scopeSimple boolean scopes for ActiveRecord
169,6451,968lein_view_toolIt generates data in format HTML for rails applications.
169,6451,968hola_nheapeA simple hello world gem
169,6451,968conorisprimeA simple gem
169,6451,968trestle-rakeAdd an interface to Trestle to spawn Rake tasks
169,6451,968codebreaker_alLogic game Codebreacker