Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
169661-169680 of all 180,507 gems.
169,6551,952TodoPagoConectorConector para la plataforma de pagos
169,6551,952rails_admin_standard_themeRailsAdmin theme that resembles standard Ruby on Rails style
169,6551,952rack-oidc-apirack-oidc-api provides a JWT validation middleware which automatically discovers the se...
169,6551,952if_test_footest publishing to rubygems
169,6551,952omniauth-duodealer-oauth2duodealer strategy for OmniAuth
169,6551,952deltiEffortless delta time calculation within loops
169,6551,952pdf_mageA lightweight Ruby gem for rendering PDFs with Chrome Headless
169,6551,952unambiguous_stringGenerate random unambiguous strings (no ilo06b2z chars)
169,6551,952fluentd-plugin-kinesis-intuitFluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis.
169,6551,952statesman_mongoidMongoid adapters for Statesman
169,6551,952first_deploymentFirstDeployment is a zero-conf tool which will deploy your Rails app to a web server
169,6721,951logstash-output-strideThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
169,6721,951xin_copyrightProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
169,6721,951health_clinic_scraperScraping a health clinic website and organizing its providers/doctors
169,6721,951maxahirweGenerates whatever
169,6721,951doctest2-coreForms the basis of extracting and running doctests (documentation tests). Core used by ...
169,6721,951gps_extractorA command line application that recursively reads all of the images from the supplied d...
169,6721,951lyraRetrieves secrets to from AWS Secrets Manager and creates a file matching your template...
169,6721,951miaowPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team