Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
169621-169640 of all 180,681 gems.
169,6191,968helpscout-mailbox-v2-reportsREST client for HelpScout V2 mailbox reports
169,6191,968flatiron_envChecks computer for Flatiron environment setup
169,6191,968peatio-platincoinPlatincoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::A...
169,6191,968ElectricCityPredictorreturns true if the given number is even, otherwise returns false.
169,6191,968warn-deprecatedThis gem makes it easy to display warnings with deprecated methods.
169,6191,968florista worklist implementation for the flor workflow engine
169,6191,968versionitThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
169,6191,968filterable_attributesFilterable attributes for ActiveModelSerializers.
169,6191,968prime_testPrint n prime numbers as multiplicative table to terminal
169,6191,968erb-indentERB that supports de-indentation
169,6191,968lita-doubler-iamarmanjonDoubles numbers - simple demo skill
169,6191,968spectator-rbLibrary for instrumenting ruby applications, sending metrics to an Atlas aggregator ser...
169,6191,968json_blobCreate `` tags to safely send data to the UI. Yo...
169,6361,967reinhardtReinhardt coming soon.
169,6361,967tictactoe_gtoThis is an improved version of the classic game TicTacToe with new features such as cus...
169,6361,967rails_medium_editor_insert_pluginWrite a longer description or delete this line.
169,6361,967amadeus-discoverRuby wrapper around Amadeus Discover API
169,6361,967shalmaneser-prepPREP - Fred and Rosy PREProcessor.