Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
169721-169740 of all 180,507 gems.
169,7071,949quacksAdd signatures to your methods
169,7071,949miaopay-wxpayweixin pay unofficial sdk
169,7071,949logstash-input-multi-rdsIngest RDS log files to Logstash with competing consumers and multiple databases
169,7241,948omniauth-instagram_basicInstagram Basic Display API OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth. See: https://developers.faceb...
169,7241,948yetEventually I'll put a description here, but today is not that day
169,7241,948hola-harrisonmalonea gem to learn how to make a gem
169,7241,948whois7Whois7 API implementation
169,7241,948pwnedkeys-toolsThe scripts in this package are designed to be used in conjunction with the pwnedkeys.c...
169,7241,948soaring_china_citya gem to help you select chinese area like province, city and district
169,7241,948vincents_first_studio_game_gemThis gem is made following the Ruby Course of Pragmatic Studio on online.pragmaticstudi...
169,7241,948foodie_sreeramfoodie is a gem that can be used to classify foods into different categories as per you...
169,7241,948zuora_apiDGem that provides easy integration to Zuora
169,7241,948gogogibbonA wrapper for Gibbon containing useful helper methods.
169,7351,947myfirstpackagemyfirstpackagemyfirstpackageSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
169,7351,947stable_marriageRuby implementation of a Stable Marriage solver
169,7351,947luigi-templateSimple string templating library.
169,7351,947search_youtubeFind your videos from your project
169,7351,947git-commanderBuild custom flexible git workflows with Ruby!
169,7351,947logic_orProvide Logical Defined-Or operator