Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
169681-169700 of all 180,507 gems.
169,6721,951visual_matcherA gem to make visual test
169,6721,951desilopers_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
169,6721,951jekyll-deploy-spacesDeploy a jekyll static site to DigitalOcean Spaces.
169,6721,951dlzdlz is a highly-opinionated bootstrapping framework for AWS landing zones. It focuses...
169,6721,951ngageAn enhanced fork of the Jekyll project, NGage is yet another static site generator in R...
169,6861,950rbfseventYou probably meant `gem install rb-fsevent`.
169,6861,950win_lottoSimple ruby gem to generate random lotto numbers
169,6861,950pg_conduitStream data from one postgres database to another
169,6861,950unfextYou probably meant `gem install unf_ext`.
169,6861,950ez_copyright_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
169,6861,950scanning_engineit's a scanning engine of loophole
169,6861,950activesplitThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
169,6861,950railsdeprecatedsanitizerYou probably meant `gem install rails-deprecated_sanitizer`.
169,6861,950stateful-simpleThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
169,6861,950scopedogDemocratize ActiveRecord's scopes
169,6861,950yarmclYARMCL's Another Ruby Model Catalog Library
169,6861,950ex-kernelA gem that is coming soon.
169,6861,950unicode_rangeGet unicodes given range
169,6861,950kodminA ruby client of kong's admin API v2.x.