Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170001-170020 of all 180,530 gems.
169,9921,932monriYour voyage through payment experience starts here. Learn more about how Monri helps to...
169,9921,932omniauth-debitoorWith this gem you will be able to use debitoor as a provider in your omniauth configura...
169,9921,932jekyll_begin_endThis Jekyll plugin defines the following Jekyll filters that return portions of a strin...
169,9921,932chime-targetingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
169,9921,932mindfuldocExperimental gem to make it convenient to edit a mindmap_mfm document from a web page.
169,9921,932ext_ooorOOOR exposes OpenERP business object proxies to your Ruby (Rails or not) application. I...
169,9921,932yii_redis_storea custom redis store library that plug and play to consume Yii 2.0's session data with ...
170,0081,931landerVisually displays data structures to make solving coding challenges easier.
170,0081,931jekyll-theme-harveynick-lagrangeA minimalist Jekyll theme for running a personal blog. Fork of Lagrange by Paul Le http...
170,0081,931kt_data_classThe Ruby porting of `data class` in Kotlin
170,0081,931mtb_project_apiA wrapper gem for the public MTB Project API
170,0081,931memo_for_binmake memos in ~/.Memo
170,0081,931omniauth-freeagent-oauth2FreeAgent authentication strategy for OmniAuth
170,0081,931embulk-input-pubsubSelects records from Cloud Pub/Sub.
170,0081,931mfrc522uidreadProvide uid in hexadecimal
170,0081,931yard-markdownyard plugin to generates markdown documentation for gems
170,0081,931unico-trainingCommon resources for nobe projects like countries, states, cities, people, etc.
170,0081,931aubiRuby Generic Template Builder
170,0081,931cassandra_storePowerful ORM for Cassandra
170,0081,931httpi-adapter-win32sspiA HTTPI Adapter the uses Win32SSPI library. Support the Negotiate protocols. Se...