Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170021-170040 of all 180,530 gems.
170,0081,931snickersnee_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application
170,0081,931skill_builderEasily build your skill's interface in Ruby
170,0081,931peelThought experiment with ORM design, inspired by Gregory Brown's Broken Record project
170,0241,930action_mailbox_debugThis is a helper to debug Action Mailbox. It's not suitable for running on production s...
170,0241,930train-digitaloceanThis plugin provides the backend handling for InSpec to talk to digitalocean
170,0241,930everhour2togglEverhour2toggl exports [Everhour]('s time entries, converts them ...
170,0241,930rverrHint website owners of vulnerabilities
170,0241,930ffi-heroku-18Ruby FFI library
170,0241,930date_defaulterThis creates a global default for date format
170,0241,930pinyin_to_kanaTranslate Chinese pinyin to Japanese kana
170,0241,930onecmda iOS dev comand line tools
170,0241,930workarea-magento_data_importerImports Magento product data to the Workarea catalog
170,0241,930guardian_searcherA wrapper to search articles from The Guardian, using its open API. You need to registe...
170,0241,930freq_statsTakes an array and gets the frequency of items in the array.
170,0241,930autorubyconfTool similar to the autotools for looking for dependencies before Ruby builds/compilations
170,0371,929ieee-students-branch-jekyll-themeThis is jekyll theme template designed for IEEE Students Branch website hosted by insti...
170,0371,929graphql-engineGraphql is the best developer experience you can have while building api's. We make doi...
170,0371,929aws_detect_sentimentProvided Client-object to detect the sentiment of provided word/words by Aws::Comprehen...
170,0371,929sitemap_boilerGenerate multiple languages sitemap from one config file