Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170061-170080 of all 180,534 gems.
170,0571,928logstash-input-packetloop_s3A fork of Logstash S3 input that contains a temporary fix with processing Cloudwatch lo...
170,0571,928generate_app_jsonA packaged version of my gist
170,0571,928grape-security[Backported security patched version] A Ruby framework for rapid API development with g...
170,0571,928rails_notifierRails tool for creating a common interface in event notifications.
170,0571,928datagunA Ruby interface to the Datagun API.
170,0571,928postcode_localpostcode_gem is the best
170,0571,928this_day_in_historyScraper CLI that pulls a list of historical events from
170,0571,928trumptweetsGenerated tweets from Donal Trump to seed varchar fields of database tables
170,0571,928dashletServer side for
170,0571,928doing-plugin-twitter-importImports entries from the Twitter timeline to Doing
170,0571,928deconstructableThis gem provides Deconstructable, a mixin module that helps you to support pattern-mat...
170,0571,928base-langA simple stack-based assembly programming language and VM, made for learning.
170,0571,928spain_dniThis gem verifies the last letter or a DNI/NIE and has methods to generate fake ones fo...
170,0741,927fastlane-plugin-app47Fastlane plugin for uploading builds to App47
170,0741,927abidocabidoc - application binary interface (abi) documentation generator for Ethereum & Co. ...
170,0741,927active-dynamoAn ActiveRecord like ODM for AWS DynamoDB
170,0741,927fgil_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
170,0741,927cure-odf-reportGenerates ODF files, given a template (.odt) and data, replacing tags
170,0741,927iruiz_view_toolProvides general HTML data for Rails applications.
170,0741,927mendoza_view_toolProvides Generated HTML data for Rails applications.